Inspired by the two fruits Cherry and Chirimoya. Cherry: which represents good fortune to come and Chirimoya which is a unique fruit discovered by the South American Incans that represents beauty and kindness within.
This painting serves as a reminder to focus on inner beauty and kindness.
Benefits of magenta:
Great for harmony and emotional balance. It encourages common sense and a balanced outlook on life. This is a color that helps to create harmony and balance in every aspect of life; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Benefits of pink:
Pink is the color of love and compassion. It's comforting, intuitive, nurturing and it makes us feel safe. Its authentic energy is great for harmonizing energies especially for relationships.
Benefits of purple:
Nerve calming, dilutes negativity, helps with meditation and focus, supports higher consciousness, boosts creativity and it's great for psychic power.
Benefits of white:
The light of cosmic consciousness. Peace and humility. White evokes visions, messages from the spirit world through dreams and opens the doors for healing to take place. White is calm, gentle and pure.
1 1/2”
Acrylic on canvas